Track Plan

The River Valley Central Track Plan


The new River Valley Central is a series of T-Track modules!


This is the simple TL;DR version of the River Valley Central, the development of the track plan can be found in a series of blog posts dating back to 2012. Actual development of the idea started late 1980's or so when I received a Bachmann N scale train set for Christmas.

It is a simple plan, based originally on the Carolina Central by Marty McGuirk and borrowing from the simplicity of Michael Whiteman's New Layout. I much prefer watching a train roll through a scene over switching and yard operations and the plan reflects that.

Due to changes at home, I have bailed on the River Valley Central in favor of some T-Trak modules but will leave the plan here for reference.
A simple oval, with a jog in the front straight for visual interest. One/two industries on the siding and spur, and two staging tracks at the back with separate locomotive staging for holding multi-era and location power.